fuel supply

The company’s goal is to become the No. 1 choice of general fuel consumers through the consistent expansion of its network of partners and strict quality control of products at all stages – from production to the consumer.

Quality Service.

Timely delivery of fuel, fair evaluation, high quality of service and the ability to conclude a network contract of operation are the main advantages that encourage you to choose Kurasha Petroleum as a supplier of fuel products.

Oil and Petrochemical Sales.

We are an oil refining and manufacturing company that offers direct supply of our own products manufactured at refinery of Kurasha Petroleum according to agreements, subcontracting raw materials.

Hydrocarbon Processing.

We are ready to export from the point of view of purchasing such goods as a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (class A NGL), gas condensate, crude oil. A flexible system of settlements and repayments has been established.

Our Marketing

Our marketing is unlimited solutions to all customers business needs. LLP “SPUTNIK AKTAU” is Oil and Gas pursues an efficient marketing policy and owns a developed oil product sales infrastructure on the domestic and international market sales. LLP “SPUTNIK AKTAU” is the standard-bearer of the Kazakhstan Republic oil industry, achieving strong production growth despite the challenging environment.

Sustainability-LLP “SPUTNIK AKTAU”

LLP “SPUTNIK AKTAU” plays an important role in ensuring national security in the energy sector and is considered strategic. Industry is regulated by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of the Kazakhstan Republic . The main player in the market of “LLP “SPUTNIK AKTAU” Kazakhstan Republic – the leading enterprise in the fuel and energy complex of Kazakhstan Republic. 

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